Tools needed for bread making

Bread making is one of the few hobbies that has a very low barrier to entry, just a regular household oven, and some kind of baking tray are needed. Most households will already have enough to get started.

However, although you could make bread without most of the tools below these are the items that I use often.


I know they get a lot of bad press, but I really like bread makers, not only can they produce a good loaf without much effort, the more important function for me is that they can do the mixing, kneading and proving for you. This can be their most valuable function. They can generally warm the dough to just the right temperature while it’s proving meaning much more consistent results.

The actual model doesn’t matter that much, I would say the most important functions at a minimum are the ability to control the length of the prove and bake (most can), a wholemeal setting, and a dough mix only setting.

Dough scraper

pictured above in title photo can be used for measuring out dough into portions for buns, pizza etc. Not 100% needed as you could use a knife instead, but the scraper is very useful and inexpensive.

Silicone spatula

These are invaluable when trying to get the batter mix or dough out of a bowl, or even mixing general cooking ingredients in a pan, they’re flexible so fit around the contour of bowl or pan.

Water spray-mist bottle

Pictured above in the title photo, get a water spray bottle, using one of these just before baking to put water mist on the dough surface and into the oven makes the crust crispy. Before using it make sure it has not been used for anything else.

Baking / pizza trays

Having a few good quality non-stick baking trays for making bread and pizza really helps, I have a couple of pizza trays and a couple of good quality trays with flat or near flat sides.

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